When I created DCDL, I announced that I’d try to include interviews of creators to my articles about indie games. Well, here is the first one! German developer René Rother, from Berlin, author of the ballistic puzzle-game Children of the Sun (see article here) has been kind enough to agree to answer a few of my questions. Enjoy!

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Hello René, thank you so much for agreeing to answer a few questions. Could you first tell us a bit more about yourself? Are you a full-time developer? An artist? A programmer? What’s your main activity?


Let’s talk about Children of the Sun. At first glance, it looks like it was built around a concept. A game-jam concept maybe? What’s the history of the game?


To describe the game to my readers, I used the expression « ballistic puzzle-game ». What genre does it belong to, according to you, its creator? What about the art style?


Do you think you’ll be adding new content to Children of the Sun in the coming months or years? New levels or new mechanics?


Tell us a bit more about the story. Why the cult? Is it important or did you just need an excuse background to justify the gameplay, which is at the core of the experience?


How were you spotted by Devolver Digital? To what extent did they help you finish or promote the game?


Do you have other projects in the pipeline? Now that you’re famous, gamers and the press will have a look at your next game for sure, if you make one. And what about older projects? Did you make games before Children of the Sun?


Finally, I’d like to know about your gaming life. What games have influenced you the most? If you still have time to play, what recent games were you the most interested in?

Thank you so, so much for your time!

Florian Baude (Des Clics & des Lettres)

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